Member presentation

IOS is an innovative company. We are implementing R&D and advising on the area of the circular economy. We are marketing new engineering concepts e.g. Water4Future / Wate(R)euse, waste, marketing of sensors in the field of food quality, environment (FreshSens), security, personal protection (OptiSens). We also research and develop a wide range of different materials. We are innovative, specific, we are looking for new out-of-box solutions that we also implement.
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Projekt H2020 – RESYNTEX
A new circular economy concept: from textile waste towards chemical and textile industries feedstock
Projekt ERA-MIN2 – MetRecycle
Recycling of metals using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (FMNP)
Mobile Modular Wate(R)euse concept is based on Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR).
The HMRecycle project focuses on the development of a new heavy metal (HM) recycling system for wastewater treatment, more precisely on new membrane biological reactor (MBR) with an innovative cartridge which will contain functionalized (nano)materials (FNM) as an adsorbent for heavy metals – so-called “HMRecycling MBR system”.
DEMO PILOTI II – Pilot demonstration project: Development of innovative technology for chemical and biochemical decomposition of packaging waste (cellulose and plastic) to high quality secondary raw materials.