Connecting key stakeholders for the transition to the circular economy


The Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership – Networks for the transition into circular economy (SRIP – Circular economy) is a connection of Slovenian business subjects, educational and research institutions (RRI), non-governmental organisations and other interested parties, in collaboration with the state, into new value chains according to the economic principles of closed material flows.

The vision of the SRIP – Circular economy is to sustainably increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the domestic economy in the transition into circular economy.

The long-term effect of the SRIP – Circular economy involves contributing to the recognisability of Slovenia as a circular economy hub that will set the reference standard for top professionals and foreign investors through its knowledge, R&D infrastructure, breakthrough technologies and services, as well as its regulatory support environment.

1) Long-term public-private partnership
2) Improvement of the material efficiency index / productivity from 1.07 (2011) to 1.5 (2020)
3) Establishment of new value chains with closed material flows
4) New business models

By meeting the set goals, all the members of the SRIP – Circular economy will also contribute to the fulfilment of the goals of the Slovenian Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4), i.e. to boost Slovenia’s competitiveness in global markets by increasing the added value per employee, the share of knowledge-intensive and high-tech exports in total exports, and overall entrepreneurial activity.


Strategic Research and Development Partnership – Networks for the transition into a circular economy

Short name
SRIP – Circular economy

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska
Ulica talcev 24
2000 Maribor

National Institute of Chemistry,
University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,

Nina Meglič, SRIP – Circular economy Coordinator
Tanja Berglez Krivec, project consultancy and LCA – maternity leave
Ajda Pirš Zidar, business consultancy, administrative support
Andreja Kumer, project and business consultancy
Nuša Sluga, expert support, project coordinator
Damjan Krajnc, LCA expert

+386 (0)2 220 87 00


International partnerships and projects

We are part of several European associations, networks and projects to enable the international exchange of know-how and expertise of our team and members. We participate in the shaping of European circular economy ecosystem.


Governing Board:


  • Mitja Koležnik, Primat d.d, president
  • Mojca Škerget, University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, vice-president
  • Primož Cigoj, PC7 d.o.o.
  • Mateja Dermastia, Anteja ECG d.o.o.
  • Marko Domazet, Ars Pharmae d.o.o.
  • Matjaž Fras, RRA Podravje – Maribor
  • Tomaž Gorenc, Impact Hub Ljubljana
  • Aleš Hančič, TECOS
  • Luka Krajnc, Pro Labor d.o.o.
  • Blaž Likozar, National Institue of Chemistry
  • Aleksandra Lobnik, IOS d.o.o.
  • Nina Meglič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska
  • Igor Mihelič, MELAMIN d.d. Kočevje
  • Jure Naglič, Ekstera d.o.o.
  • Martin Ocepek, Helios TBLUS
  • David Ravnjak, Pulp and paper Institute
  • Tine Seljak, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerin
  • Metka Ule Novak, Acies Bio d.o.o.
  • Matej Zadravec, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineerin
  • Mojca Žganec Metelko, Knof so.p.

Technology Council:

Mojca Loncnar, SIJ Acroni d. o. o., president
Zorka Novak Pintarič, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, vice-president
Mojca Božič, Dravske elektrarne Maribor d. o. o.
Mateja Dobnikar, Geological Survey of Slovenia
Vilma Ducman, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
Matej Emin, Culmium d. o. o.
Jurij Giacomelli, META Circularity d. o. o.
Vladimir Gumilar, Construction Cluster of Slovenia
Blaž Jakopin, Priot  d. o. o.
Viktor Jejčič, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia
Janja Juhant Grkman, Pulp and celuloze institue
Alen Kahvedžić, Pošta Slovenije
Tomaž Kern, Reusable Technologies d. o. o.
Dušan Klinar, SRC Bistra Ptuj
Simona Kneževič Vernon, TECOS
Peter Kosin, Inea d. o. o.
Nina Kovačič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska
Borut Lazar, AlgEn d. o. o.
Aleš Marolt, Kočevski les
Primož Novak, Wienerberger Slovenija
Aleš Osrajnik, Business and Industry Zone Tezno
Primož Oven, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
Rudi Pajntar, Competence Centre for Advanced Control Technologies
Alenka Pavlin, Termit d. d.
Aleš Štumpf, Panvita Ekoteh d. o. o.
Gašper Tavčar, Jozef Stefan Institute
Ines Vlahović, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Primož Zorec, CoGreen d. o. o.
Zala Žurga, Litia Spinnery