Future green skills for lifelong learning
Human resources development activities within the framework of SRIP – Circular economy are focused on the creation of a competency model for personnel employed by members and working in the partnership’s focus areas. Based on such a model, we then identify competence gaps and prepare a training program, while at the same time transferring information to decision-makers who are responsible for connecting educational institutions and the economy to reduce the gap between the demand and supply of personnel on the labour market.
The competence development model included in the SRIP action plan contains:
- a collection of relevant competencies and profiles prepared by the heads of focus areas of SRIP,
- prediction of long-term needs for competences,
- identifying gaps in competences,
- development of professional careers / creation of proposals for new educational programs in the area of identified competence gaps.
In January 2019, we formed the Committee for the Development of Human Resources, which consists of representatives of companies, institutes, universities, CPI, GZS, educational institutions, representatives of state bodies, heads of focus areas and the SRIP team, which coordinates activities, contents, proposals for new programs and prepares and forwards initiatives to ministries and other institutions related to the development of human resources.
The following members are involved in the activities of the Human Resources Development Committee:
- Termit, d. d.
- Ekstera, d.o.o.
- IOS, d.o.o.
- Surovina, d.o.o.
- Acies bio, d.o.o.
- Kočevski les, d.o.o.
- Helios, d.o.o.
- Predilnica Litija, d.o.o.
- Steklarna Hrastnik, d.o.o.
Activities in y. 2022 and 2023 are carried out in cooperation with the company Kadring d.o.o.