The Circular business models focus area is mainly centred around the technological field of sustainable processes and networks, where the focus is on the development of an open computer platform with the goal to bring about a framework for higher technological and economic, as well as environmental efficiency of technologies, processes and companies to allow for sustainable long-term development and business.

Keywords: sustainable networks and processes, platform, efficiency, sustainable development, multi-criteria optimisation, new knowledge, methods, algorithms, lifecycle development and analysis, sustainable business, circular business models.

Goals and performance indicators of the Circular business models focus area:

Goal 1: Development of an open computer platform in order to achieve greater efficiency and sustainable development of processes, technologies and companies.

Goal 2: Optimisation of the entire supply chain within the value chains in the SRIP.

Goal 3: Development of optimum business model services for the SRIP – Circular economy and for the other SRIPs.

Goal 4: Creation of an environment to support the SRIP, which will incorporate the latest knowledge, methods and algorithms and thereby allow comprehensive assessments of technological, economic and environmental efficiency and of the environmental impacts throughout the entire lifecycle of products, technologies, processes, services, strategies and policies.


  • dr. Zorka Novak Pintarič
  • Institution: University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  • Contact: