Member presentation
Weinerberger Slovenia employs 130 employees with its seat in Boreci, 9242 Križevci pri Ljutomerju. The production of bricks situated in Ormož, roofing in Križevci and materials for surface treatment of roofing materials for the whole Wienerberger group.
Wienerberger Slovenija in with Wienerberger Hrvaška form the Weinerberger Adria group. The group is an integral part of Wienerberger Solutions Region East.
The group produces sustainable building materials and total solutions for a better quality of living. We strive for the continued development of systems and products, that ration the use of energy trough the use of natural materials and technologies without further harm to the environment. We build our future on sound foundations of experience and knowledge based on year in practice. The foundation of our success are our employees, business partners and clients. We want to do our part in the space we live in with all current and future generations.
The basis of our business is the production of building materials and clay. Wienerberger Adriatic produces in the following facilities:
- two in Croatia: Karlovac for bricks and Đakovo for roofing materials.
- three in Sloveni: Ormož for bricks, Ormož for roofing and Lukavci for coatings.
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