Member presentation

Termit is a mining company engaged in the production and processing of quartz sand and the production of auxiliary casting materials. We offer solutions not only for the needs of foundry, but also for the needs of construction, the preparation of sports fields and grassy areas in the countries of Central and for South-Eastern Europe.
We acquire and remove more than 200,000.00 tons of sand per year. For the successful rehabilitation and recultivation of the excavated surfaces, an appropriate and high quality material is needed to replace the excavated minerals. The rehabilitation is carried out with building composites, which it produces from inert and non-hazardous waste. Annually, we process more than 70,000 tons of waste. In recent years, we have been developing a method of recovering waste into geopolymers.
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Foaming process in alkali activated matrix and optimization of properties of synthesized foams
Termit and Slovenian national building and civil engineering institute (ZAG) are researching usefulness of different inert and non-dangerous waste materials, which have after alkali activation high compressive strength – geopolymers. With addition of foaming agents, the compressive strength lowers, but synthesized foams get higher added value due to insulation and non-flammable properties.