Member presentation
National forest Management Company owned by the Republic of Slovenia.
Major activities
- Implementation of public tenders to get the contractors for carrying out all works in state forests
- Sale of timber (wood and forest-wood assortments)
- Operations that are directly or indirectly related to state forest land
- Establishment and maintenance of records of immovable property
- Forest certification
Major goals of SSF
- Make forest management more profitable and increase the quality of forest-wood assortments, while considering the basic forest management principles:
- Sustainability
- Multifunctionality
- Close-to-nature forest management
- Create conditions for the establishment and development of the forest-wood chains and creation of green jobs
- Contribute to promotion of wood and wood products
- Increase the area of state-owned forests in the long term
- Contribute to achieve objectives of the rural development policy, in particular about protection of farms and rural areas in the mountainous regions
- Contribute to achieve nature conservation objectives, particularly regarding area, designated as Natura 2000 area and protected areas
- Provide training of professional staff and support education and scientific research in the field of forests, forestry and wood-processing
- Carry out the sale of standing timber in low volumes
- Increase transparency in awarding contracts for forest work and sale of wood
Major activities of SSF
- Implementation of public tenders to get the contractors for carrying out all works in state forests, such as:
- Logging and timber harvesting
- Transportation of wood assortments
- Constructing and maintaining forest infrastructure (except forest roads)
- Implementation of protective and silvicultural works in forests and any other works that are necessary for providing social and ecological functions of forests
- Sale of timber (wood and forest-wood assortments)
- Operations that are directly or indirectly related to state forest land (regulating ownership and other property rights; trading in forest land, issuing approvals, easements )
- Establishment and maintenance of records of immovable property
- Forest certification
- Membership in EUSTAFOR
- Establishment of centres for collection or processing of wood
- Primary wood-processing (through Snežnik, l. l. c.)
Contact details