Information system Ekolog
Ekolog is a system that regulates the area of waste and wastewater managementand provides a wide range of services and accounting for them. It allows tracing of waste in every step of the managing process.
Integrated into the Bass IS billing system and closely linked to all the most important logistics and charging software packages.
• It supports various information systems and supports various protocols in conjunction with hardware peripherals.
• Helps to simplify data management, speed up procedures and optimize the work process, remove multiple records and consequently reduce the possibility of errors and complaints.
Ekolog is a best practice case of a circular economy that covers different areas of waste and wastewater management. Basic functionalities of system are:collecting orders, planning of removal and their accounting, pause setting of removal, automatically transfer of default data for each item from the plan, daily generation of work and travel orders, taking into account the settings from the planning stage, data preparation for the transfer of services performed and charged into the book of issued invoices and all necessary procedures, linked to the ARSO web portal, geographical systems and basically to the business system.
The Ekolog IS fully supports quality tracing of waste from their origin to the final destination and further processing. It provides a complete overview of users and collection points with associated
containers, wastes and waste water systems, and at the same time provides numerous analyses, reports and exports to GIS systems. By exchanging data on inventory lists, it ensures efficient mobile business or work in the field, and allows tracking the implementation of truck emptying.
Software Module Ekolog Tehtnica enables the monitoring of records and the automatic execution of weighing of waste on the distribution/ collecting centre and the related route guidance related to the logistics of the landfill. It works efficiently with other applications and provides an overview of the complete record of collection points, contract partners, waste disposal, inventory records, accounts and payments. It provides fast creation of weighing sheets, mass work orders calculation, submission of record sheets by distributions according to packaging schemes, traceability of records and effective implementation with the entire process-related controls over the data.