H₂GreenTECH Final Conference

H₂GreenTECH Final Conference

Ta dogodek je že potekel.
ZAČETEK: 21. 06. 2022 10:00
ZAKLJUČEK: 21. 06. 2022 13:00

Strengthen cross border R&I capacities in ADVANCED HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES by developing synergies between enterprises, R&D centers and higher education

H₂GreenTECH Final Conference


Tuesday, 21. 6. 2022, 10.00 – 13.00

National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

The National Institute of Chemistry, the lead partner of the H₂GreenTECH project, is organizing the conference to mark the conclusion of the project. The project partners are collaborating in the field of hydrogen, which is also considered in the wider European context as part of the solution for the decarbonization of transport and industrial processes, especially in the field of energy storage, supply and increased use of energy from renewable sources.

During the project, the partners from Slovenia and Austria established the Hydrogen Center, a cross-border research, industrial and educational network that will provide information to deepen cooperation and strengthen capacities in the field of hydrogen technologies in the future. In the long term, the center is intended to combine regional strengths of research and development potential for the operation of the hydrogen technology sector and provide companies with access to infrastructure and new development knowledge and technological achievements. The challenges related to hydrogen technologies are universal on many levels and go beyond the national framework, so the cross-sectoral integration of different actors on a cross-border level is important.

At the event, the Hydrogen Center with a development strategy until 2025 and the H₂GreenTECH model of hydrogen use for demonstration and educational purposes with an educational module will be presented. Based on the presented Roadmap on hydrogen technologies in Slovenia and Austria, which was prepared within the project, the panel will also discuss the possibilities for the development of the Hydrogen Valley.

H₂GreenTECH project is co-financed by European Regional Development Fund under the Program Interreg V-A SI-AT.

Kindly invited!


9.30 – 10.00 Registration
10.00 – 10.15 Press conference of the H₂GreenTECH Project partners
10.20 – 10.40 Presentation of the One-stop-shop HYDROGEN CENTER for companies, researchers and students in the cross-border area Slovenia-Austria and plans until 2025.


Dr. Dragica Marinič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska


10.40 – 11:10 Presentation of the developed H2GreenTECH model of hydrogen use for demonstration and educational purposes.


Sigrid Wolf, Graz University of Technology &  Andreas Warmuth, FH Kärnten, University of Applied Sciences


11:10 – 11:25 Break
11.25 – 12.10 Panel: Presentation of the Roadmap on hydrogen technologies in Slovenia and Austria and discussion of the development opportunities for the establishment of the Hydrogen Valley.


Moderated by: dr. Blaž Likozar, National Institute of Chemistry


·         dr. Peter Kumer, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia – Presentation of the Roadmap on hydrogen technologies in Slovenia and Austria

·         dr. Dragica Marinič, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska

·         dr. Christian Heschl, Forschung Burgenland

·         dr. Viktor Hacker, Graz University of Technology

·         dr. Janez Blaž, Ministry of Infrastructure

·         tbc. Tomaž Katrašnik, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


Panel will be in English.


12.15 – Lunch and networking

The event is open to all interested stakeholders upon prior REGISTRATION (no registration fee). Number of attendees is limited.

Meeting info: Kemijski inštitut / National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana.

Parking: Public parking lots next to National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana.

Language: Slovene/German with simultaneous translating. The Panel will be in English.

For any questions, please contact Petra Props (petra.props@ki.si).

More information on H₂GreenTECH: webpage, Facebook, LinkedIn