IOS is an innovative company. We are implementing R&D and advising on the area of the circular economy. We are marketing new engineering concepts e.g. Water4Future / Wate(R)euse, waste, marketing of sensors in the field of food quality […]
We offer the following solutions and equipment for water treatment technologies: drinking water purification and process water treatment waste water treatment optimization of water supply and sewerage networks telemetry systems an […]
Lek, a Sandoz company, has been helping to create the development flow in the global pharmaceutical industry for 70 years now and has been steadily growing over these years. Our pharmaceutical generic organization operates in Slovenia, Eu […]
Predilnica Litija is a leading European Spinner of high tech yarns. Focus on the circular economy has been recognised as part of its sustainable development concept. Through their own creativity, the innovations on fibres and technology ar […]
Melamin, founded in 1954 is a well-established European chemicals manufacturing company with a long tradition in the field of amino resins. Melamin’s products have been developed with extensive investments in new technologies and talented […]
The RACI company was founded in 1994 as the Technology Transfer Centresupported by the Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology. The motive for its foundation stemmed from long-standing activities of Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute in […]
The most important areas of our research activities are focused on: establishment of a circular economy by recycling of secondary raw materials (industrial, construction, municipal and mining waste) development of sustainable innovati […]
Major goals of SSF Make forest management more profitable and increase the quality of forest-wood assortments, while considering the basic forest management principles: Sustainability Multifunctionality Close-to-nature forest man […]
Talum, as a modern production company, is a world leader in the narrow circle of the most efficient producers of primary aluminium. Already in 2001, Talum transformed into a manufacturer who combines primary and secondary aluminium to prod […]
Termit is a mining company engaged in the production and processing of quartz sand and the production of auxiliary casting materials. We offer solutions not only for the needs of foundry, but also for the needs of construction, the prepara […]
Basic and applied research is aimed at areas of long-term importance for both Slovenia and the world: materials research, life sciences research, biotechnology, chemical engineering, structural and theoretical chemistry, analytical chemist […]
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