IRSPIN connects companies from yarn spinning, knitting and weaving production, textile dyeing and finishing, with the two educational institutions in Slovenia - the departments for Design and Textile Materials of the University of Ljubljan […]
Predilnica Litija is a leading European Spinner of high tech yarns. Focus on the circular economy has been recognised as part of its sustainable development concept. Through their own creativity, the innovations on fibres and technology ar […]
Panvita Ekoteh is part of the Panvita Group. The company was set up in 2004. Its primary activity is managing biogas plants and handling the environmental processes in the Panvita Group. Today, Panvita Ekoteh manages three biogas plants, N […]
A deeper sense and promise of Petrol is to improve the quality of life. With comprehensive energy and environmental solutions we create progress in the field of energy, infrastructure, buildings, water cycle and mobility, and collaborate w […]
Salonit Anhovo is a leading manufacturer of building materials in Slovenia with nearly a century of tradition in the production of cement and other hydraulic binders. Today, the cement plant Salonit Anhovo is technologically, environmental […]
In August 2018, SIJ Acroni took over the processing of steel slag in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Unprocessed steel slag had no economic value in the past and was mainly stored at the company's temporary stor […]
The Slovenian Business and Research Association (SBRA) is a Brussels-based non-governmental organization, with over 30 members from both the public and private sector. Since 1999, SBRA has been successfully representing the interests of Sl […]
Drawing on years of research and development in collaboration with a number of partners, such as the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana and the Josef Stefan Institute, and applying the reverse logic approach, […]
Talum, as a modern production company, is a world leader in the narrow circle of the most efficient producers of primary aluminium. Already in 2001, Talum transformed into a manufacturer who combines primary and secondary aluminium to prod […]
Termit is a mining company engaged in the production and processing of quartz sand and the production of auxiliary casting materials. We offer solutions not only for the needs of foundry, but also for the needs of construction, the prepara […]
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